Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Kite Runner

Hi all!
After reading the Kite Runner, I have a few thoughts and feelings about the story. Let me share them with you all.

23. Pretend you are one of the characters in the book. Write a diary about the happenings in your life for two consecutive days.
Well, if I am Amir:

Day 1:
I plan to move to a smaller apartment that is near to General Taheri's house. This is because we get to be closer to the general and his family, while paying cheaply for the apartment. I also intend to sell Baba's BW bus. Recently, Soraya and I have been considering for adoption because we are unable to have any children regardless of how hard we tried. However, I do not know how General Taheri would react to this. We would only have to wait for tomorrow to find out more.

Day 2:
Today, I have managed to find a one-room apartment just a few streets away from General Taheri's house. In the afternoon, I sold Baba's BW bus and had just enough revenue to pay for that apartment. During dinner, I discussed with Soraya's family regrding adoption and as I expected, General Taheri was totaly against our ideas. However, we are running out of options. What should I do, Baba? I hope you would be able to guide my to make the correct decisions.

32. Find one word that describes a character in your book very well. Give reasons for your choice of word.
I think the best word to represent Amir is "STRONG"
Although he is weak on the outside, why is this so?
1. He dared to go to Afghanistan during the period of the Taliban.
2. Although he loved Baba so much, he had tried to be strong after his death.
3. He was mentally strong, with a will to win the kite competition.

48. The climax of any book or story is the exciting or interesting part. Tell what you think is the climax of the book and why.
I think the climax of the story is the time when Amir returns to Afghanistan. This is because it is the turning point of the story, where Amir realises the total change of his country, from his worm and comfortable hometown to a place of terror.

53. Is the title a good one or a poor one and why?
The title "The Kite Runner" is a good one as it represents the days of his young age before the change of this town, and it also represents Amir's friendship, and lastly it represents Amir's will, not only to win the kite competition, but also the different wills in life.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Should US have dropped the atomic bomb on Japan?

During the last days of WWII, the United States dropped two atomic bombs - Little Boy and Fat Man, on to Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Was this the wright thing to do?

If the atomic bombs were not dropped on japan, the war would may have continued. As such, more countries and states would be conquered, and it would be increasingly difficult for the Allied forces to win the war. Japan would sooner or later gain the upper hand, and it would take a longer time to end the war, without knowing which force would win.

However, after the bombs were dropped on Japan, both Hiroshima and Nagasaki were devastated and took many years to rebuild. The extremely high radiation levels in both states after the bombs were dropped caused the water to be poisonous, the land to be infertile, and threat to the lives of human, plants and animals, and this last for the next few years.
But, the two atomic bombs had caused the war to end, resulting in peace and harmony in the world.

Therefore, the US should have dropped the atomic bomb on Japan.