Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Term 2 Home Learning

"Enemy in sight!" I yelled.
Reacting to that, everyone held out their weapons to prepare for battle. Instantly, shots of machine gunfire roared in our directions. I immediately attempted to find cover. Hiding behind a wall, I waited for the signal to return fire.
That hand sign. It was the cause of everything - it caused Iraq to become a war zone, it caused many lives, and, it caused the state I am in. That hand sign:
We turned around the wall and fired at the enemy. One by one, they fell, and we fell too. I could remember the person beside me getting shot in the neck, and he lost his life instantly. The bloody scene made my eyes sore, but I had to fight to survive.
When the gunfire ceased and there were no return fire, it was the end of a phase in the war. We surveyed the sight: blood, flesh, more blood. A gruesome sight indeed.
"Andy, get down!" but it was too late. My arm felt a piercing pain as my flesh was ripped apart by a series of bullets. The pain was unbearable and I fell instantly to the ground, withering. After taking those shots at me, that dying, but very alive, man shot himself.
"Andy! Are you okay?"
"Andy! Answer me!"
Everything was a blur, as I drifted in and out of consciousness.
When I awoke, I found myself lying down in a military hospital. I tried to move my right arm, but there was no response. I knew that it was my fate. My fate to loose an arm in a war. A war that does not benefit my country at all. Of all those death in this battlefield, it was not glorious at all.
I could remember when I was still in America, I wished to become an engineer. Things will not go as planned with my current state...