Sunday, February 20, 2011

Blog Prompt 21-2

Hi all!
Today I will be voicing my opinions about the following topic:
Can the Machine Ever Replace the Teacher?

Well, I think that Computers can never and will never replace teachers.
Computers, are the modern technology that contains information form all over the world. Of course, computers are somewhat more accurate and reliable than teachers. Computers can also do much more than several subject teachers combined. However, teachers have many characteristics that a computer do not have at this point of time.

Teachers. They do not break down. Even if they are on a medical leave there will always be a replacement to help teach the class, and you do not have to pay a thousand bucks for that. However, If a computer breaks down, you would have to get a new one in order to continue with work. Therefore, the teachers are better than computers in this point.

Another thing that computers do not have is a heart. Teachers, because they have a heart, teach wholeheartedly, and sometimes show you the light in life. This is not the case for computers. Computers teach only subjects, and they will not lead you to become successful people in the future. They would only pass on to you what you Want to learn, and not what you Need to learn, that is important for your future. Thus, teachers play a more important role for your future than computers.

Lastly, I would like to say that the lessons that teachers teach is much more interesting than computers. The lessons that teachers teach are more interactive and two sided, as there is a lot of communication between teacher and student. However, lessons taught by computer is more of a one-sided learning, when the computers say all that it wants to say, and the lesson is done. You don't even have a chance to voice your thoughts. This shows that the teachers' teachings are more interesting and enjoyable than the computers' lessons.

Although computers may be better than teachers in certain ways too, but I think that it will never be able to replace teachers in the mere future.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Blog Prompt 17-2

Hi Readers!

Today I will be discussing with you about what I think about the song Where is the Love Black Eye Peas.

The lyrics talked about the discrimination and violence in the world.
These are the lyrics (not in order) that suggests discrimination:
Whatever happened to the values of humanity
Whatever happened to the fairness and equality
Then you only leave space to discriminate
And to discriminate only generates hate
And if you hatin you're bound to get irate
Lyrics (not in order)that suggests violence:
Overseas yeah we tryin to stop terrorism
Nations dropping bombs
Chemical gases filling lungs of little ones
People killing people dying
Children hurtin you hear them crying

And so on...

What do I feel about this song? I feel that the the discrimination has led to many racial riots, causing dismay to both the rioting races. Furthermore, bad relations between countries has led to war between the countries. Riots and wars often cause people's lives, and bring about unhappiness and fear in people. This should be prevented and the Black Eyed Peas are attempting to promote harmony between countries and races, thus trying to prevent wars and race riots.
The Black Eyed Peas did the right thing to sing this song, so that more people can understand each other through this song, and it might lead to peace between countries, or races in the future.

Thank You.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Blog prompt 7-2

I think that meritocracy is what will lead to success, and not good genes. It is possible to have a parent that has graduated from a top university, and have clever children too. However, that does not mean it is the majority. I have friends whom parents are extremely clever and wealthy, but they only know how to spend the money of their parents, and not study hard. Therefore, they turn out not to be so smart. Thus, good genes does not usually lead to good children.

I also have friends whom parents are not wealthy, but they worked extremely hard and thus they got into a good secondary school. This shows that meritocracy is what makes people successful in life. In fact, some children of clever parents worked extremely hard to be like their parents, thus achieving success. This is meritocracy too.

Therefore, I think that meritocracy is what leads children into achieving success instead of their parents having good genes.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Hi all!
I would be describing the setting in this picture.

My pencil was shivering fearfully as I thought of what to write. The silence was screaming into my ears, threatening to pop my eardrums. The only sound I could hear was the incessant ringing in my ears and the rhythmic footsteps of the invigilator. The atmosphere around me stretched till it seemed it would snap. Occasionally, the flipping of papers sent shivers down my spine, as I began to worry I would be too slow. As time was almost up, I could feel my pencil speeding up uncontrollably, as if it had a life of its own. As I dropped my pencil and heaved a sigh of relief, the silence was broken by the shrill of the teacher.
"Stop Writing!"
Time stopped when my paper was being collected. And once the invigilator announced that we were dismissed, all hell broke loose.
It was finally over.