Thursday, February 3, 2011


Hi all!
I would be describing the setting in this picture.

My pencil was shivering fearfully as I thought of what to write. The silence was screaming into my ears, threatening to pop my eardrums. The only sound I could hear was the incessant ringing in my ears and the rhythmic footsteps of the invigilator. The atmosphere around me stretched till it seemed it would snap. Occasionally, the flipping of papers sent shivers down my spine, as I began to worry I would be too slow. As time was almost up, I could feel my pencil speeding up uncontrollably, as if it had a life of its own. As I dropped my pencil and heaved a sigh of relief, the silence was broken by the shrill of the teacher.
"Stop Writing!"
Time stopped when my paper was being collected. And once the invigilator announced that we were dismissed, all hell broke loose.
It was finally over.

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