Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Online Lesson - Descriptive Piece on War

Hi all!

Today is the online lesson! I will be picking a photo from the slideshow and write a descriptive piece. Then I shall write in the voice of the character or one of the characters, with focus on the atmosphere, mood and emotion. Enjoy!

BOOM! An explosion caused pieces of shrapnel to fly everywhere at high velocities. Raising my head after the explosion, all I saw was debris and corpse scattered around the area, once known as the city of harmony.
We then heard a moan of pain.
Jeremy was lying down in an awkward way, twenty metres away. The faint but terrifying cries for help sent shivers down my spine. Is Jeremy seriously injured? Would I lose a friend? These were the thoughts that raced through my mind at that point of time.
Samuel and I quickly rushed to Jeremy's aid. It was the worst case scenario. Jeremy was bleeding in his chest, as a huge piece of debris pierced through him.

"Samuel... Andy... Don't worry about me. After all, this is war. I feel happy to die for the country..."
Jeremy laughed and immediately coughed out blood. Unable to further coupe with the pain, Jeremy passed out, with a smile on his face.
"JEREMY!" I yelled, "Wake up!" I tried very hard to shake him and hoped that he could respond.

It was useless.

Tears filled my eyes and Samuel was crying out loud. We knew that we had lost a friend.

"CURSE YOU! Air Strikers!" Samuel yelled.

Looking up at the skies, the once hazardous airplanes that has just bombed this harmonious town peacefully drifted away. And this destroyed town had finally achieved peace from this war.

This is the end of my descriptive piece. I hope you have enjoyed it!

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