Saturday, April 16, 2011

Bog prompt 14/4

Hi all!
Today's blog prompt will be:
Do you think that crisis brings out the best in man?!

In my opinion, crisis brings out both the best and the worst in man.
Why would crisis bring out the best in man?
11 March 2011, an earthquake and tsunami strikes Japan. This caused a lot of damage and brought about a nuclear crisis in Fukushima Diichi. Everyone from all around the world came helped Japan in one way or another. But the most touching scene is that the people of Jpan themselves, being homeless already, still donated money to help aid the nuclear crisis. This shows that even though they are poor enough, they still sacrificed their money for the country. Moreover, a team of nuclear engineers, also known as the Fukushima Fifty, sacrificed their own lives, exposing themselves to radiation of dangerously high levels, to save their own country from a nuclear meltdown. This shows that crisis brings out the best in man.

Why would crisis also bring out the worst in man?
When Hurricane Katrina struck the USA, people began to rob shops that had been damaged by the disaster. They took advantage of the situation to rob when the shops are unattended. Thus this shows that crisis brings out the worst in man.

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