Monday, July 4, 2011

Should US have dropped the atomic bomb on Japan?

During the last days of WWII, the United States dropped two atomic bombs - Little Boy and Fat Man, on to Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Was this the wright thing to do?

If the atomic bombs were not dropped on japan, the war would may have continued. As such, more countries and states would be conquered, and it would be increasingly difficult for the Allied forces to win the war. Japan would sooner or later gain the upper hand, and it would take a longer time to end the war, without knowing which force would win.

However, after the bombs were dropped on Japan, both Hiroshima and Nagasaki were devastated and took many years to rebuild. The extremely high radiation levels in both states after the bombs were dropped caused the water to be poisonous, the land to be infertile, and threat to the lives of human, plants and animals, and this last for the next few years.
But, the two atomic bombs had caused the war to end, resulting in peace and harmony in the world.

Therefore, the US should have dropped the atomic bomb on Japan.

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