Sunday, January 30, 2011

Blog Prompt 31-1

Hi all!
Today, I shall be talking about having friends from another race.
Well, I do not have a close friend from another race, but I really do want to have some.
It is important and necessary to have friends from another race, so as to learn their culture and religion. I personally think that having more variety of friends makes you more exposed and aware of the world we are living in currently.

I know that there are some people that are racist against a certain race. It is easy to spot some of their actions, but it is definitely not easy to stop your own actions. Sometimes, our words and actions would be indirectly signalling that we are discriminating them.
Although the majority of the people here in Singapore are Chinese, however, since Singapore is a multiracial society and has its official language of Mandarin, English, Malay and Tamil, we should understand each other and make out the best of both worlds, or maybe the best of all worlds.

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