Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Blog prompt 20-1

Is it better to have never known something than to have known something and to ultimately lose it later?

Well, I think it would be better to know something and lose it later. Well, if you never want to know something, it would mean that you would never find out what that thing would be, and it will eventually be a loss to you, as people would know one more interesting thing that you don't. However, if you know something positive, and lose it later, even if that thing will never return to you ever again, you could still adapt to the new surroundings and continue with life, as time heals everything. Moreover, you may, from time to time, try to remember it when you are feeling down if may make you happy.

That is what I think. Comment on this post to agree or disagree on what I think. You can also voice your own opinions. :)

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