Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Blog Prompt 27-1 (Why Chinese Mothers are Superior)

Hi Readers!
Today I will be sharing with you what I think about the recent newspaper article "Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior".

I agree with the issue that Chinese mothers, although very strict, are very effective too. The article states that there are requirements, although more like rules, that the children have to meet in order to please their parents. If any of them were not met, they would be reprimanded. Yes, this is true, as I myself was and currently is one of these children. My parents are strict, and although not as strict as the writer of the article, they are effective too. When I was Primary Six, my mother set rules for me to obey so that I could do well for my PSLE. I obeyed, and I did reasonably well for my PSLE. Although I know some of these do not apply to some people, but at least I know that this method is quite effective.
There are some children who attempted to disobey they're parents, and even if they have successfully disobeyed their parents, they would most probably mix with bad company and end up doing bad in their studies.

Some parents set requirements for their children because they do not want their children to walk the wrong path in their lives.

However, others do that so as not to embarrass themselves. Some parents always like to compare their child with other parents' child. And when their child loses in the comparison, they get mad and their child would have to face the music. Must some children suffer this kind of fate just because of their parents face? I think not. Parents should realise that their children are not things that you use to compare and compete with others. Thankfully, this is only the minority of the parents population in Singapore.

Overall, I think that majority of the parents lay rules for their children to abide and set up requirements for them to meet as they think that their children has to learn the hard way in order to ace their future career instead of becoming useless in the society in time to come.

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