Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Targets for 2011

Hi readers!

Well, this is a new year and there will, of course, be new resolutions.
I have already set targets for the year 2011.

You may ask me, what have I done well last year? It's not much, but well, I will just tell you.
Apparantly, I prepared well for poetry and hence scored well in that section.

However, there are stuffs that I went wrong too. The worst was comprehension. I did not really know how to answer the questions properly, and after the teachers' explanation, I still didn't get it. Therefore, I did not do that well for this section.

What are my targets for 2011? It's simple. First, I shall try my best in improving on my comprehension. Afterwards, I need to improve on my other sections. Finally, I need to maintain my standard for poetry.

How do I work towards these goals? I would have to work hard to improve my different sections, but work harder on comprehensions. I would also need to frequently revise on my poems so as not to neglect it and end up unexpectedly doing badly for it.

I really hope to achieve at least most of these results, to make myself and everyone else around proud :)

Thats all for now,
Marcus Neo

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