Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Prompt 19/01/2011

Yes, I have. When I am a CIT in Ortus Council, I remembered that during the Secondary One Orientation, as I wasn't really in charge of that event, I was made a station master instead of a buddy. Moreover, my contact number and email wasn't recorded and hence I did not get to have a SOO T-shirt of my own. Hence, everyday my attendance wasn't marked, and when everyone was in their SOO shirt on the first day, I was the only few wearing PE attire. I wouldn't say I was treated very badly, but I find that the event wasn't really well planned when it comes to manpower. I was taken as an 'Extra'. However, I really enjoyed myself overall, as I found the cheering very refreshing and exciting, and the group I was temporarily with was extremely enthusiastic and they cheered their hearts out.

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